Sunday, September 28, 2014

"Green Loop" Road-sharing experiment: love it or junk it? Considering the traffic and the kind of people using the special lane (skateboarders for leisure), am giving it a thumbs down. If it would have been people using bikes for work or trisikads bringing people to important destinations, then i guess it would be a different tune for most of us observing this scheme. Primarily, the question is for whom does this Green Loop serve best?

"Green Loop" Road-sharing experiment: love it or junk it? Considering the traffic and the kind of people using the special lane (skateboarders for leisure), am giving it a thumbs down. If it would have been people using bikes for work or trisikads bringing people to important destinations, then i guess it would be a different tune for most of us observing this scheme. Primarily, the question is for whom does this Green Loop serve best?

by Dale G. Israel

September 28, 2014 at 07:54PM

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