Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Statement from VECO. FYI ON THE CCNSHS ISSUE...... The Cebu City National Science High School has a total of 5 accounts with VECO. The outstanding balance of these 5 accounts amount to a total of P544,249.69. Each account has an average of 5 months unpaid balance. VECO has been visiting the school officials to remind them of the unpaid electricity bills and warn them about the impending disconnection should these bills remain unpaid. Last June 18, our disconnection crew visited the school supposedly to effect the disconnection. However, a school official signed a promissory note that they will pay their electric bill in 24 hours, thus we did not disconnect. The school’s electric bill remains unpaid until now. VECO advised the school to visit our service center so they can enter into a pay plan scheme with us. A representative of the school already visited our VECO Service Centre in One Pavillion today and has signed a pay plan. Normally, a pay plan with VECO requires the customer to pay 50% of the total amount due upon signing of the pay plan and the other 50% before the reading date of the next billing cycle. In the case of CCNSHS, VECO has allowed them not to pay the required 50% upon filing of the pay plan since the school representative, a certain Ms. Valboten, said that the school will pay the full amount by June 29. Should the school still fail to pay their electric bill by then, VECO will then effect the disconnection of their electric service.

from Cebu Newsroom