Tuesday, January 6, 2015

If this then that...IFTTT.COM

It may be an unpopular online tool for now but sooner or later, this "If This Then That" may become one of the most used social networking assistant. And its for free ( setting aside questions on privacy just  like all the other social networks.)

At the rate how people have come to own several social network accounts aside from the usual facebook and twitter, the need for faster posting or even a unified posting of statuses, photos, and videos has started to come in handy. 

If you have google plus, Instagram, Vimeo, and Of course youtube, etc, shouldnt you want to post an update just once and it will be posted in all your SNSs? Then IFTTT.com is your answer.

I tried it for months already and you can see it even on my blog, that when I post something on my facebook account, it gets posted here, on my twitter account, on my facebook page, and even on other sites if I wish to do so.

iFTTtS scheme are simple, all you need to do is create an account there. Then you make a formula on the the simple logic equation "if this (is posted), then that is also posted." This is similar to the IF-THEN equation on software programming.

The formulas on the IFTTTs site is so simple though. I can't explain it clearly here but you just have to try for yourselves to learn it.

What I am trying to say is for you guys to try it out. There are other alternatives of course but some are asking for fees. Before, posterous.com was the one I was using to post all at once to all my social networking sites until the website shut down due to financial reasons or whatever. 

So, then I came across IFTTT and it was cool so far. Oh, and theres even an app available at the IOS app store which will make it even more simpler for your needs.

If you have other sites that does the same thing, feel free to comment and share your ideas with me. :)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Can't stop laughing over #TheInterview movie. Not an oscar type of film but the humor is excellent!!😎

Can't stop laughing over #TheInterview movie. Not an oscar type of film but the humor is excellent!!😎

by Dale G. Israel

January 04, 2015 at 04:07PM

from Facebook

via IFTTTfrom Facebook